Now I am in Spain the Camino markers have the distance left to Santiago. I am now less than 100kms away from arriving. I have walked over 500kms, but I am now counting down rather than up.
It's a long day today, walking with a few people who have sore legs and feet. The way got a lot more crowded today as more people started at the 100km point (the minimum distance to get a certificate). There was some concern about getting a bed but we all made it to Redondela. We started in the dark to get a good start but we lost the way several times. Tomorrow we start when it's light.
This is now day 22. Four more days to Santiago.
Today's photos:
1. Less than 100kms to go
2. I don't think I should take the sign literally.
3. Not a good sight after the first 10km.
4. Much better.
5. Me with less than 100kms to reach Santiago.
6. It was both woodland and suburban walking today, but I tend to take more photos in the woods.
Fantastic effort, well done 500kms, that certificate is in sight now. L&R